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Xinrun Wang

Assistant Professor
School of Computing and Information Systems
Singapore Management University

[Email] [GitHub] [Google Scholar]

[Hiring!!!] I am looking for self-motivated PhD/Master students to join my group at SMU to work on i) fundamental decision making (i.e., single- and multi-agent reinforcement learning), ii) decision making for applications (e.g., RL for FinTech, MARL for pursuit-evasion games), and iii) foundation agents (e.g., web agents and computer control agents). The requirement for SMU PhD admission can be found HERE. Visiting CSC students/researchers, and remote interns are also welcome. Please email me if you are interested.

Research Interests

(Multi-Agent) (Reinforcement) Learning, and (Distributed) Foundation Models/Agents.


Selected Publications

(* indicates equal contribution, indicates corresponding author)
